Ultimate Payment Solution for Classifieds Platforms
- Item promotions: Publish fee, Image fee, Make Premium, Highlight, Move to Top, Republish (renew)
- User wallet: Credit packs, benefits for registration and sharing, affliate program (referrals)
- User groups: Create user groups and hierarchy, special benefits for members, subscriptions, restricted categories, free limits for group users
- Payment Gateways: Paypal, Stripe, Skrill, Instamojo, PayUMoney, CCAvenue, PagSeguro, Bank Transfer and much more!
- As only payment plugin for osclass we bring you Stripe payments with Strong Customer Authentication (SCA)
- Bank transfer
- PayPal
- Stripe (SCA - Strong Customer Authentication)
- Skrill
- Authorize.net
- Payza
- Blockchain
- Braintree
- 2Checkout
- PagSeguro
- PayUMoney
- Instamojo
- CCAvenue
- Paystack
- WeAccept.co
- EuPlatesc.ro
- Przelewy24.pl
- Komfortkasse.eu
- YooKassa / YooMoney (originally Yandex Money)
- Pays.cz
- Cardinity.com
- Payhere.lk
- BeGateway.com (bepaid.by)
- SecurionPay.com