You'll build incredible websites with Oxygen
- Drag To Set Element Spacing
- Create Horizontal & Vertical Layouts
- Powerful Alignment Controls
- Automatically Responsive
- Take Total Responsive Control
- Put Anything in Headers & Footers
- Sticky Headers
- Different Headers & Footers For Different Site Areas
- Automatically Responsive
- Stack Vertically Or Horizontally
- Multi-Level Dropdowns
- Very Configurable
- Automatically Responsive
- Various Preset Post Layouts
- Custom Query & Filtering Options
- Total Customizability
- Ecommerce
- Forms
- Use Any Plugin
- Advanced Builder Elements
- Powerful Visual Features
- Global Style Controls
- True, Down-To-The-Pixel Control

Oxygen - The Ultimate Visual Site Builder for WordPress
Flexible, powerful, bloat free, with best-in-class WooCommerce and Gutenberg integrations, a LIFETIME UNLIMITED license, and so much more.

Release date: 4.8.1 - 2024/01/03
Tweak: Filter added for additional security when dealing with dynamic data
Tweak: Added TikTok and X icons to FontAwesome. Visit Oxygen > Settings > SVG Sets once to refresh the icon list (#5256)
Tweak: Reduced the amount of version check calls made to Oxygen's servers when checking for software updates (#5251)
Fix: Corrected an issue preventing CSS changes from previewing properly after switching from post to template using the Navigator (#5253)
Release date: 4.8.0 - 2023/12/11
New: Quick navigator for swapping between posts, pages, templates, etc... without leaving Oxygen (#4749)
Polish: Made mixed code button sticky in single code view for Code Blocks (#5184)
Tweak: Improved unit/value inheritance on breakpoints (#4352)
Tweak: Re-arranged Oxygen's CSS caching controls in the settings area (#5193)
Fix: Corrected error related to EDD updater (#5157)
Fix: Fixed an issue with template priority related to singular templates with no Inner Content element (#5061)
Fix: Corrected severe input lag when editing Advanced > Custom CSS via Safari (#5182)
Fix: Corrected a regression causing stylesheed editors to break if a certain theme was selected before upgrading (#5172)
Fix: Undefined array key "lazy" on line 372 in gallery.class.php (#5192)
Fix: Undefined array key "" on line 317 in gallery.class.php (#5192)
Fix: Corrected issue that caused Pro Menu dropdowns to disappear after ctrl/cmd+clicking links (#5180)
Fix: Undefined variable $contains_inner_content on line 39 in admin.php (#5194)
Fix: Fixed PHP error in cpt-templates.php on line 477 (#5194)
Fix: Fixed PHP error in ajax.php on line 1569 (#5194)
Release date: 4.7.0 - 2023/08/07
[Enhancement]: Updated CodeMirror to CodeMirror 6
[Enhancement]: Added auto-complete for CSS/JS/HTML in Oxygen code editors
[Enhancement]: Enabled code folding for Oxygen code editors
[Enhancement]: Enabled full search/replace for Oxygen code editors
[Enhancement]: Added "Mixed Code" view for Code Blocks to show PHP, JS, and CSS editors at the same time (like CodePen)
[Enhancement]: Add a "Mixed View" button to the individual code editor views for the Code Block (#5044)
[Enhancement]: Made Code Block code get applied on save (#5091)
[Tweak]: Update default YouTube video (#5087)
[Tweak]: Changed default CodeMirror theme (#5095)
[Tweak]: Make all Easy Posts presets have "default" query by default (#5098)
[Tweak]: Remove theme chooser in Stylesheets editor. It now inherits the theme chosen in Oxygen (#5083)
[Tweak]: Removed some CodeMirror themes that were terrible (#5046)
[Fix]: Site Navigation now outputs the proper target attribute as designated in WordPress menu settings (#5149)