PublishPress Planner is the plugin for managing and scheduling WordPress content
PublishPress Planner has all the tools you need to plan WordPress content, including a Content Calendar, content notifications, editorial comments, and editorial metadata.PublishPress Planner is ideal for WordPress sites that publish high-quality content. With the Planner plugin, your team can collaborate much more effectively.
Requires at least: 5.5
Requires PHP: 7.2.5
Tested up to: 6.3
Stable tag: 3.12.1
Demo: Changelog ==
= [3.12.1] - 06 Sept 2023 =
* Fixed: Editorial comments delete capability issue, #1420
* Feature: Added deleting button on Editorial Comment Page, #1386
* Fixed: Update notification not showing under the Dashboard Updates screen or the Plugins screen, #1454
* Update: Include scheduled post in Export to Calendar, #1372
* Fixed: Issue with "&" in calendar category filter, #1446
* Fixed: Issue with fix_get_sample_permalink method, #1431
* Fixed: Deprecations notice on PHP 8.1, #1414
* Fixed: Double slug on schedule page, #1429
* Fixed: action_parse_query hook generates fatal error, #1410
* Fixed: PublishPress Planner conflect with Series Order, #1424
* Fixed: Planner FREE -ES-FR-IT Translation Updates August 2023, #1439