A very necessary module, without which you cannot assign hooks to the module normally and quickly.
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Managing PrestaShop hooks to associate with modules has been made easy with Generate Hooks for PrestaShop
What are hooks for PrestaShop?
Hooks are mainly used to show contents. In Prestashop eCommerce if you want to show content somewhere, most of the cases you will need to depend on hooks. Those are specifically display hooks. There are other kinds of hooks also that are called action hooks. Action hooks are used for calling a function, returning values etc. However, hooks are one of the most important things to be understood and implemented for module development. You need to register/transplant your module to a hook to make it work on that part of the site.
What are hooks for PrestaShop?
- displayHeader hook is used for adding javascript and css files to the header of the front office.
- displayHome hook is used to show content on the landing page of your PrestaShop eCommerce.
- actionCategoryUpdate hook is called when you will be updating a category
What is Generate Hooks for PrestaShop?
This module is the one that makes managing all these hooks to your module easier than ever. PrestaShop site customization mostly depends on hooks. Hooks are needed even for the back office functionality in PrestaShop. You can be a brilliant developer, amazing designer or a talent hard working freelancer but you need to transplant hooks now and then while customizing a PrestaShop site. You need to manipulate multiple hooks for multiple modules. You need to work with PrestaShop hooks to build an amazing site with PrestaShop This module is the best solution to do so.
Why do you need generate hooks to tranplant/register hooks to your module?
Nowadays PrestaShop is getting more and more popular. Talented people like you are getting involved with it and managing, transplanting, unhooking hooks from modules is getting harder. From all these hooks it’s really tough to find the one you are looking for. It’s actually costs a lots of time to transplant one hook at a time and then go back and restart the process to transplant another hook. Generate Hooks provides you the feature to register or unregister multiple hooks at once.
To transplant hooks without Generate hooks module, you need to
- Go to Display
- Position from the dashboard left panel
- Transplant module
- Find the module
- Find the hook manually from all the hooks and then transplant.
- You can not even do more than one at a time.