Rex is a minimal portfolio or project showcase WordPress theme. Rex includes amazing portfolio effect & using this theme is super easy for user with plugins ACF Pro, Elementor and Kirki 4. This theme is perfect for agencies, freelancers, illustrators, photographer, e-commerce stores and many more. Includes full supported WooCommerce.
ver. 4.0.0 (01.05.2023)
This is Major update! Your site will be broken if you use old version theme!
- Bootstrap v5.2.3
- new demo content
- Font Awesome 6 Pro
- compatible with new version WordPress 6.1.x,
- compatible with new version plugin Kirki 4
- compatible with WooCommerce 7.x.x
- compatible with php 8.x.x
- migrate to Elementor (from WPBakery)
- update child theme
- update plugin theme (Elementor's widgets)
- fix field Typekit
- update and optimized scripts
- minor fixes and improvements