PrestaShop Show Dual Prices allows you to display product prices inclusive or exclusive of tax, apply for specific customer groups, products, categories and locations. Customize tax labels and price placement options and eliminate hidden costs.Description
Create Multiple Rules for Dual PricesPrestaShop Show Dual Prices Module allows you to create multiple rules to customize the application of dual prices easily and precisely. You can create unlimited rules based on:
- Customer Groups
- Products
- Categories
- Countries
- Cities
- Zip Codes
- States
Choose to Display Price on Web Pages
Display prices in a clear and transparent manner with the PrestaShop Show Dual Prices module. Take complete control over how prices are showcased on your product and listing pages. You have the flexibility to choose whether the tax-excluded price should be displayed first, ensuring transparency in your pricing structure.
You can choose to show prices on the:
- Product Listing Page
- Product Page
- Both
- Price Before Label
- Price After Label
The module allows you to choose whether the price labels should be displayed. This allows you to add an extra layer of information and context to the prices, making it easier for customers to understand the pricing structure. You can also tailor the labels for prices that include and exclude tax.
Customize the Appearance of the Price and Label
PrestaShop Show Dual Prices module enables you to customize the appearance of the Prices and Labels on the product and listing pages. Choose to enable the default font size and color for the price and labels.
You can also adjust the following properties for both prices and labels on your store:
- Font Size of Price Included
- Font Size of Price Excluded
- Excluded Price Color
- Included Price Color