Meet Structeezy, a powerful Bricks design companion! Effortlessly craft, save, and reuse stunning structures to unlock boundless creativity. Say goodbye to repetitive work and hello to seamless efficiency. Elevate your web design game with Structeezy today!
== Description ==
Structeezy is a powerful structure builder for Bricks that will give you :
* Easy access to your entire Bricks or 3rd party elements library.
* A library of (nearly) all html elements build on Bricks elements with proper tags and attributes.
* A choice of components to help you create awesome layouts.
* A growing library of patterns (full sections or pages).
* Easy access to your most used structures.
* Save and reuse your custom made elements.
== Tested up to ==
# Bricks - 1.9.2
# WordPress - 6.4.1
Documentation: at least: 6.2
Tested up to: 6.4.1
Stable tag: 1.2.3
Requires PHP: 8.0