Make your Social Shares look Great!
✔ TAGZ automatically fetches the required information from the items to generate the Open Graph Tags and Twitter Card tags
✔ To make sure only one set of tags is defined for a page TAGZ will take care of deleting any other Open Graph or Twitter Card tag
✔ TAGZ can also be defined for Menu Items, which is component independent
✔ If a TAG for a Menu Item and an Article has been defined you decide which one will be used.
✔ TAGZ automatically fetches the required information from the items to generate the Open Graph Tags and Twitter Card tags
✔ To make sure only one set of tags is defined for a page TAGZ will take care of deleting any other Open Graph or Twitter Card tag
✔ TAGZ can also be defined for Menu Items, which is component independent
✔ If a TAG for a Menu Item and an Article has been defined you decide which one will be used.