The PrestaShop Text Before and After Price module enables you to display personalized, catchy phrases alongside your product prices. Choose where you want the text to appear—before, after, or both before and after the prices, with new enhanced features for better control.Key Features:
Text Positioning Options:
- Display text before the price (e.g., "Buy Now for $10.00").
- Display text after the price (e.g., "$10.00 per unit").
- Display text both before and after the price for added flexibility.
Show your text display for specific Product types, Categories, or Customer groups, allowing you to fine-tune the content for different audiences and provide a more personalized shopping experience.
List of all the selection criteria are as follows:
- Customer Group Selection: Enable or disable text display based on customer groups, ensuring certain groups see tailored pricing information.
- Apply on All Products: Enable or disable the module to affect all products across your store.
- Product Selection: Control whether the text is applied to specific products only.
- Category Selection: Enable or disable text display for specific product categories
- Supplier Selection: Enable or disable text display based on the product’s supplier.
- Manufacturer Selection: Enable or disable text display based on the product’s manufacturer.
- Products Based on Price: Control text display based on the product price range.
- Products Based on Stock: Enable or disable text display based on stock availability.
- Products Based on Discount: Show or hide text for products with active discounts.
- Easily customize the appearance of the text, such as changing the font color and background, to align with your brand’s aesthetics and boost customer engagement.
- After the price text: "$10.00 per sqft," "$10.00 with free delivery."
- Before the price text: "Limited Time Offer $10.00," "Introductory Price $10.00."
Version 1.2.0 - 10/2/2024
PrestaShop compatibility: - 8.2.0- Major