Question and Answer Forums
Turn your forum into a knowledge base, support portal, or just a questionnaire based community with Questions & Answers Forums. Your users will be able to post a question, receive answers, and mark which answer fits the best. Bring your community together to help each other.
Administrator Features
- Choose which forums are Q&A based
- Set specific threads as Q&A threads, force threads to be made Q&A threads, and target several user statistics whenever user criteria are supported
- Create a widget for unanswered threads to keep a watch out for those who need answers or a Latest Answered Threads Widget too see who answered what
- Display order by either best vote (default) or chronologically
- Importer available for [n] Best Answer / Q&A System add-on
- Process up/down voting through AJAX so voting doesn't require a page reload
- Allow thread prefixes to automatically be applied to new Q&A threads as well as a separate prefix for when threads are marked as answered
- Support for third-party styles
- Show if a question has been answered or still needs answered with a question mark or checkmark displayed on the thread
- Hide posts if the votes fall below a specified threshold
- Choose which icons you want, which colors you want, and so much more through style properties
- Utilize inline moderator tools to add/remove Q&A status on threads
- View user statistics in your administrative panel
- View who has the most QA points, upvotes, and most answers on the Members page
- Utilize user criteria with user group promotions and other systems that support the user criteria system -can be used to prevent users that usually receive a large number of downvotes to be prevented from replying to Q&A threads, for example
- User criteria includes user has had at least X best answers, had no more than X best answers, received at least X up votes, received no more than X up votes, received at least X down votes, received no more than X down votes, at least X vote points, and no more than X vote points