== Description ==
Adds anonymous recipes, advanced log filtering, automatic log pruning and many more triggers and actions to Uncanny Automator!
Requires at least: 5.3
Tested up to: 6.3
Requires PHP: 5.6
Stable tag: 5.0
Demo: https://automatorplugin.com/v5.0 [2023-08-24]
Note: Uncanny Automator 5.x is no longer compatible with Uncanny Automator Pro < 5.0. New Feature:
New Triggers:
- User Loops #2268
New Actions:
- Charitable - A recurring donation to a campaign is cancelled #2005
- Charitable - A recurring donation to a campaign is made #2108
- MemberPress - A sub-account is removed from a parent account #1423
New Condition:
- AffiliateWP - Link a customer to an affiliate for lifetime commissions #1929
- Charitable - Add an entry in a donation log #2010
- Formatter - Extract the first word from a string #2274
- LearnDash - Reset the user's progress for all courses associated with a group #1983
- WordPress - Fetch an existing user #2035
- WordPress - The user's email address matches a specific domain #2279
- BuddyBoss - A user updates their profile with a specific value in a specific field - PHP notices when array is passed #2249
- Email - Send an email - Email body is now fetched at runtime instead of when scheduled #2245
- LearnDash - Send an email to the user's group leader(s) - Email body is now fetched at runtime instead of when scheduled #2265
- LearnDash - Send an email to Group Leaders of a group - Added checkbox to exclude child groups #214
- Mailpoet - Remove a subscriber from a list - Now available for both Logged-in and Everyone recipes #2231
Under the hood:
- ARMember - Pro version throwing a PHP Error #2225
- Automator - Condition - The user has completed a recipe - Removed redundant queries #2271
- BuddyBoss - A user updates their profile with a specific value in a specific field - Now runs when Automator updates the user profile using the "Set the user's Xprofile data" action #2212
- Formatter - Convert date into format - Now works for non-English language sites #2235
- MyCred - A user earns a rank - Now fires more reliably when multiple live recipes are using the trigger #2196
- WooCommerce Subscription - Sites on WordPress.com now list subscriptions products reliably #2222
- WooCommerce Subscription - Condition - The user has an active subscription to Any Subscription Product - Now works as expected #2248
- WordPress - Remove a role from the user's roles - Now removes the role successfully in a wider range of situations #2217
- WordPress - Create a user - The meta fields saved more reliably #2229
- Renamed deprecated arg get_trigger_id to trigger_log_id #2272
- Action Scheduler bumped to 3.5.4
- Improved PHP 8.2 compatibility