Say hello to the most popular WordPress Google Drive / Google One plugin! Use-your-Drive is a user-friendly, highly customizable, innovative Google Drive integration plugin for WordPress that displays your Google Drive and Google Workspaces files in a beautiful way. No coding skills required!
- WordPress 5.2+
- jQuery 1.11+ (any site running WordPress 5.2+ should be using this)
- PHP 7.0+ with cURL extension (available on almost all servers).
View Demo
v1.17.11 7 September 2021
- Added: support for %file_lastedited% and %file_created% placeholders in email notifications
- Fix: Manually linked Private folders for guest users not setting account properly
- Fix: Automatic Private Folder creation not fired on user registration if the newly created isn't directly logged in
- Fix: Setting incorrect basename for files with extensions in capitals (e.g. .JPG)
- Fix: Reset scroll of File Browser container when navigating/searching
- Fix: Plugin not initiating when output of the plugin was modified by (e.g.) apply_filters('the_content') adding line breaks and paragraphs
- Updated: Chart.js library version to 3.5.1
- Updated: Datatables library version to 1.11.1
- Updated: Tagify library version to 4.7.2
- Updated: Font Awesome to version 5.15.4