WC Vendors Pro gives your vendors to control their need to manage their stores quickly and efficiently. With the vendors in control, you are free to focus on your complete marketplace business. Reduce your workload, save you time and money.
Continually updated, features are added all the time. WC Vendors is the most scalable marketplace plugin for WordPress & WooCommerce. We built it so that as your success increases, you don’t have to worry about page slow-downs or database bloat. For a true marketplace with the maximum flexibility, WC Vendors Pro is for you.
Version: 1.8.7
Requires at least: 5.3.0
Tested up to: 6.2.2
WC requires at least: 4.5.0
WC tested up to: 7.7.2
Changelog for WC Vendors Pro
Version 1.8.7 - 9th June 2023
* Added: Commit built JS and CSS files and remove images from build process (#1748)
* Added: Convert widget to Gutenberg blocks (#1735)
* Added: Marks plugin HPOS Incompatible (#1743)
* Added: Pagination for Orders table in Pro Dashboard (#1749)
* Added: Re-sync tool for ratings (#1753)
* Added: SEO Compatibility (#1758)
* Added: Shipment Tracking fields within the Admin's dashboard (#1752)
* Fixed: Gross report is showing marketplace’s entire revenue instead of just the vendor’s revenue (#1744)
* Fixed: PHP 8.1 warning (#1741)
* Fixed: Partial Refunded Orders Recalculation not occurring (#1747)
* Fixed: Incorrect naming on opening hours hook (#1740)
* Removed: Circle CI (#1731)
* Updated: Github templates (#1730)
* Updated: PHPCS rules for WC Vendors Pro (#1728)
* Updated: Upgrade dev dependencies to be compatible with node 18 (#1746)
Demo: https://www.wcvendors.com/product/wc-vendors-pro/