Nice to meet u.
In your opinion, how many cats are too many cats?
I'm ghost and I'm.. wait for it.. **FRENCH**.. Anyway..
I have been a web developer for 20 years.
As a result, my code is old and often sucks.
Below some code that can be used to export French users (id_country = 8) who have already placed orders :
function getDataInDatabase() {
$query = "SELECT result.`id_customer` AS `ID`, result.`email` AS `EMAIL`, result.`id_gender` AS `GENRE`, result.`firstname` AS `PRENOM`,
result.`lastname` AS `NOM`, result.`birthday` AS `ANNIV`, result.`optin` AS `OPTIN`, result.`newsletter` AS `NEWSLETTER`, ad.`id_country` AS `PAYS`, ad.`phone` AS `TEL`,
result.`TotCommandes` AS `TOTALPAYE`, result.`NbCommandes` AS `NBCOMMANDES` FROM ( SELECT c.`id_customer`, c.`email`, c.`id_gender`, c.`firstname`, c.`lastname`, c.`birthday`, c.`optin`, c.`newsletter`, SUM(o.`total_paid`) AS TotCommandes, count(o.`id_order`) AS `NbCommandes`
FROM `"._DB_PREFIX_."customer` c LEFT JOIN `"._DB_PREFIX_."orders` o on c.`id_customer` = o.`id_customer` WHERE o.`valid` = 1 group by o.`id_customer` ) AS result
INNER JOIN `"._DB_PREFIX_."address` ad ON result.`id_customer` = ad.`id_customer`
WHERE ad.`id_country` = 8
GROUP BY result.`id_customer`";
.... don't forget to use and close this shit at the end.
I have other shitty codes to export users who have never placed orders...
Enjoy and have a good day.. obviously like if you like it, or if you think it's shit
In your opinion, how many cats are too many cats?
I'm ghost and I'm.. wait for it.. **FRENCH**.. Anyway..
I have been a web developer for 20 years.
As a result, my code is old and often sucks.
Below some code that can be used to export French users (id_country = 8) who have already placed orders :
function getDataInDatabase() {
$query = "SELECT result.`id_customer` AS `ID`, result.`email` AS `EMAIL`, result.`id_gender` AS `GENRE`, result.`firstname` AS `PRENOM`,
result.`lastname` AS `NOM`, result.`birthday` AS `ANNIV`, result.`optin` AS `OPTIN`, result.`newsletter` AS `NEWSLETTER`, ad.`id_country` AS `PAYS`, ad.`phone` AS `TEL`,
result.`TotCommandes` AS `TOTALPAYE`, result.`NbCommandes` AS `NBCOMMANDES` FROM ( SELECT c.`id_customer`, c.`email`, c.`id_gender`, c.`firstname`, c.`lastname`, c.`birthday`, c.`optin`, c.`newsletter`, SUM(o.`total_paid`) AS TotCommandes, count(o.`id_order`) AS `NbCommandes`
FROM `"._DB_PREFIX_."customer` c LEFT JOIN `"._DB_PREFIX_."orders` o on c.`id_customer` = o.`id_customer` WHERE o.`valid` = 1 group by o.`id_customer` ) AS result
INNER JOIN `"._DB_PREFIX_."address` ad ON result.`id_customer` = ad.`id_customer`
WHERE ad.`id_country` = 8
GROUP BY result.`id_customer`";
.... don't forget to use and close this shit at the end.
I have other shitty codes to export users who have never placed orders...
Enjoy and have a good day.. obviously like if you like it, or if you think it's shit