Build a production-ready website with no performance impact.
The latest Tailwind CSS version (3.x) is always available, no need to update Winden.
Rapid Prototyping
Build your website in minutes
Tiny Final CSS
Single CSS file for the entire website with less than 10KB
Agnostic Integration
Do not lock yourself. Work with any of your favorite page builders
Build a production-ready website with no performance impact.
The latest Tailwind CSS version (3.x) is always available, no need to update Winden.
Friend of your favorite page builders.
Works across the entire WordPress ecosystem and allows you to use Tailwind CSS inside your favorite page builders like Gutenberg, Elementor, Bricks Builder, Oxygen Builder, Zion Builder, etc.INFO:
= 1.1.10 =
* **New**: [Winden Worker] development is backed by [Yabe Webfont]( Yabe Webfont is the GDPR-friendly Font Plugin for WordPress
* **Change**: Bump the default Tailwind CSS version to 3.3.1
* **Improved**: Added View Job column on the generate-cache's queue list
* **Improved**: Add new filter hook `apply_filters('f!winden/core/runtime:tailwind_config_cdn', $str_config)` to allow the user to modify the Tailwind config before it's sent to the browser.
= 1.1.9 =
* **Fix**: Issue on the shipped plugin zip file
* **Fix**: Redundant invalid license notice on the admin page
* **[Bricks] Improve**: scan classes from the Editor's element panel `Style → CSS → CSS classes`.
= 1.1.8 =
* **[Pinegrow] New**: The cached CSS now will include the Pinegrow's project.
* **[Pinegrow] New**: Pinegrow's preview integration
= 1.1.7 =
* **Fix**: CDN is not loaded properly
= 1.1.6 =
* **[Pinegrow] New**: Pinegrow editor integration for `Blocks for an existing site → Custom CSS` project. Enable the integration on the Winden's setting page
= 1.1.5 =
* **Fix**: Exclude `tailwindcss/defaultTheme` from the worker's required modules
= 1.1.4 =
* **New**: Initial [Pinegrow]( integration
* **Change**: Redesign the setting page's user interface
= 1.1.3 =
* **New**: Winden website now available on
* **Change**: Update some action and filter hooks name
= 1.1.2 =
* **Change**: Remove the 1st-party tailwind-plugin (forms,typography,aspect-ratio,line-clamp) from the default preset
* **Fix**: Worker misinterpreted the tailwind config if using tailwind-plugins
= 1.1.0 =
* **[Bricks] New**: Placeholder to sync with Bricks' breakpoint setting
* **Improved**: Seamless worker support for local development
* **Fix**: Error on license-setting page if migrating a site with license activated
* **Change**: Updating all action and filter hooks name