FedEx Shipping Method
With the FedEx Shipping Method, your shoppers at checkout will see and be charged for shipping based on your FedEx rates. The rates are determined via the FedEx API.This extension requires that your store uses US or Canadian Dollars for its currency, US or Canada as the base country. To use the Legacy SOAP API, your server must have SOAP installed. It primarily works with ins and lbs, but other units can be converted automatically.
FedEx can calculate quotes worldwide, as it handles both domestic and international parcels:
Domestic | International |
Service Settings
Box Settings
* Version: 3.9.5
* WC requires at least: 8.6
* WC tested up to: 8.8
* Tested up to: 6.5
*** FedEx Changelog ***
2024-05-27 - version 3.9.5
* Fix - Improve Ground rate calculation when cart contain multiple different package types.
* Fix - FedEx International Ground rate calculation not always returned.
* Fix - FedEx International Ground rate returned under FedEx Ground name.
* Fix - REST API bearer token expiration time.
* Fix - FedEx Freight Class set on WC Shipping Class not being applied.