WooCommerce Multi Locations Inventory Management Plugin provides option to manage Product Stock from Multiple Locations for your WooCommerce Store.
Our plugin is designed to help WooCommerce based eCommerce store that ships products to its customers around the globe from multiple warehouses or a company that sells products from its stores in different locations. The plugin automatically detects the nearest Product Location. It also shows Availability and Pricing of Product based on the location of a product.
= Version 1.2.13 = October 3, 2021
[Fixed] On order place mail not sent issue fixed.
[Fixed] Fixed rest apis permission callback error
[Fixed] = Fixed Backend only mode stock deducted when order created
[Fixed] if manage stock disables still showing location on product list page fixed
[Fixed] in stock status as per wc settings if nearby location finder on
[Enhancement] Limit one location per order works with nearby location finder
[Enhancement] Refactor code, Removed unnecessary inventory log code, created empty table on activation
[Enhancement] Removed inventory logs dead code.
[Fixed] same product with same location added as new item in cart issue fixed
[Fixed] location not showing selected after product add to cart issue fixed
[Fixed] Fixed nearby location finder issues
[Fixed] Fixed multiple undefined notices on locations map page & added some validation in create locations rest api
[Enhancement] enable billing for map api error has been tracked for Validate api click
[Fixed] = Created location by api it doesn't appear on the map.
[Fixed] = Variable Product Accept button issue
[Fixed] = Force visitors to location popup closed on esc button issue fixed
[Enhancement] = Set popup icon position
[Fixed] = OpenPOS issue on order refund locations stock not updated
[Fixed] = Fixed validate api url protocol issue http/https
[Fixed] = Fixed undefined variable error on order line item location dropdown.
[Fixed] = Fixed WC Rest API Publicly available issue