WooCommerce Product Variations Swatches is a professional plugin that allows you to display and choose attributes for product variations. Under colors, buttons, photos, variant images, and radio, the plugin presents product variations pick options. As a result, the plugin assists clients in visually seeing the items they require, saving time in finding the desired products over dropdown types for variations of a variable product.

New Update Changelog v1.0.6
Fixed: Zoom image not changing accordingly for "Change product image" option when using with Woodmart theme
Fixed: Impeka theme - product item height on archive not auto correcting after variation swatches init
Fixed: Tooltip not showing for out-of-stock attributes
Added: Action hooks viwpvs_before_loop_variation_swatches and viwpvs_after_loop_variation_swatches
Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/woocommerce-product-variations-swatches/26235745