WooCommerce Thank You Page Customizer allows you to customize your “Thank You” page what give coupons to customers and show up-sell products after a successful order.
WooCommerce Thank You Page Customizer will give a coupon after a successful order. Moreover, you can choose to give an existing coupon or let the plugin generate unique coupons.Coupon rules: Each coupon will have its own rules and you can configure these rules to give different coupons for different orders.
- Minimum order total: The coupon will be given if the order total is bigger than this amount.
- Maximum order total: Similarly, the coupon will be given if the order total is smaller than this amount.
- Include products: Only give coupons if the order includes these products.
- Exclude products: Do not give coupons if the order includes these products.
- Include categories: Only give coupons if the order includes products in selected categories.
- Exclude categories: Do not give coupons if the order includes products in selected categories.
- Existing Coupon: Choose an existing WooCommerce Coupon to give to customers after they successfully order an order.
- Select WooCommerce coupon: Create a coupon in WooCommerce/ Coupon and use it in WooCommerce Thank You Page Customizer.
- Email restriction: Make the coupon be usable with the billing email address.
Info: https://codecanyon.net/item/woocommerce-thank-you-page-customizer/22956731/**1.2.0 - 2023.07.22**/
- Update: Compatible with HPOS-WC 7.89.0
- Fixed: Fixed incorrect google shipping address