Powerful WordPress server management console for agencies. White Label Standard; Standard for teams; Fixed annual or lifetime price; No user fees, per site or per server; Unlimited number of servers and sites; Multi-cloud; Servers optimized for WordPress.
Build Your Own WordPress Management Platform
Unlimited Servers and Sites
Deploy as many WordPress optimized servers and sites as you need.
Direct connectivity to all major cloud providers
DigitalOcean; Linode; Vultr; UpCloud; Google Cloud; AWS EC2; AWS LightSail; Hetzer; Exoscale; Alibaba (Limited Edition)
Supports any cloud provider
Our Bring Your Own Server feature allows you to use any other cloud provider or even bare-metal servers.
Standard teams
Create an unlimited number of teams for all our tariff plans.
Custom Security Standard
Use WordPress roles and capabilities to block users for servers and sites. Assign individual servers and sites to “owners” with full or partial access rights. Included in all tariff plans.
Customize with Standard WordPress Tools
Use popular WordPress customization plugins to further customize the look, block menu items, and more.
Deploy in Your Language
Use standard WordPress translation tools to deploy the entire solution in your customers’ native language.
Demo: www.wpclouddeploy.com