WP Content Copy Protection Pro Plugin Features
- Protect your content from being selected and copied.
- No one can right-click on images and save them from your site if you don't want them to.
- Get full control over right-click or context menus.
- Show alert messages, when the user right-clicks on your contents.
- Disable the selection shortcut keys.
- Allows watermarking your images.
- Admin can exclude home page or single posts from being copy protected.
- Admin can disable copy protection for admin users.
- Aggressive image protection.
- Compatible with all major theme frameworks.
- Compatible with all major browsers.
- You can also choose where the plugin should work.
- Multiple text and image protection layers.
- Enable right-click on hyperlinks or any type of elements added.
- New flat interface.
- Confirmed in IE9, IE10, Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera.
- Disables image drag and drop function.
- Effective on smartphones and iPhones.
- Has the ability to set varying levels of protection per page or post.
Demo: https://www.wp-buy.com/product/wp-content-copy-protection-pro/