WP Rocket v3.10.6 - Best cache plugin for WordPress | +INFO
Changelog: WP Rocket v3.10.6 | January 6, 2022
Enhancement: exclude additional patterns from JS minification (#4227, #4364)
Enhancement: exclude additional patterns from delay JS execution (#4358, #4506, #4604)
Enhancement: add a new filter rocket_exclude_post_taxonomy to exclude a post taxonomy from cache purge (#2820)
Bugfix: avoid adding commented-out stylesheet links into the <noscript> tag when using load CSS asynchronously (#4186)
Bugfix: prevent PHP notices in some cases when purging the cache for terms (#3464)
Bugfix: prevent unexpected closing of congratulations banner when closing the promo banner (#4064)
Regression fix: correctly exclude images using skip-lazy or data-skip-lazy from lazyload (#4576)
WP Rocket - helps improve page load speed and reduces server load. And the high loading speed, in turn, reduces bounce rate, increases conversions and helps increase rankings in Google search results. It has long been known that this factor is considered one of the most important in ranking.