Clone Your WordPress & Copy Staging Changes to Live Site. WP Staging Allows You to Work Safely on Your Website: Copy db & files from staging to live site; Exclude specific db tables & folders; Very fast cloning process; User roles authentication; Even huge websites are supported; Very simple to use.
* Works on latest version of WordPress
* Minimum Supported WordPress Version 3.8
* Cloning and Backup work on all webhosts
* No extra libraries required
* Backup & cloning supports huge websites
* Custom backup format is much faster and smaller than any tar or zip compression
* Backup & cloning works in low memory & shared hosting environments
Requires at least: 3.6+
Tested up to: 6.4
Stable tag: 5.2.0
Requires PHP: 7.0
== Changelog ==
= v5.2.0 =
* New: Support up to WordPress 6.4.2
* New: Adding feature to create backup of individual network site in multisite installations. #2795
* New: Add backup settings in backup logs. #2969
* Fix: Automatic backup repair if the backup file index is corrupted. #2861
* Fix: Saves remote storage backup in the database for use when calculating the number of backup to keep on remote storage. #2856
* Fix: Prevent accessing the content of backup cache files created during cloning and pushing jobs. #2984