Wpnotif lets you send notifications using SMS or WhatsApp to your customers from your WordPress site. The plugin is also fully compatible with WooCommerce and you can setup automatic notification triggers for your customers whenever they create a new order or whenever the status of that order is changed. Site admins including, store owners, editors etc can also setup messages or WhatsApp notifications for themselves.
8 October 2021 - Version 2.5.1
- Improved: Foxglove Gateway API Update
- Improved: Kalyera settings
- Improved: Allow theme to overwrite our font
- Improved: DLT Template ID support in custom gateway
- Fixed: Esendex gateway issue
- Fixed: Gravity forms edit phone field not working
- Fixed: Not being able to remove number from account
- Fixed: Add taxes in vendor order total
Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/wpnotif-wordpress-sms-whatsapp-notifications/24045791