What's New in Version 1.4.23(11/11/2020)
- FIX: Variables for those versions that do not have or the Media :: AddJsDef () method does not work correctly
- FIX: Script that deletes cookies improved, before it didn't always delete them.
- FIX: Fix for old versions of Fancybox!
- FIX: Module blocker for version 1.5, was missing from that library!
- FIX: language correction
- ADD: the option to disable the selection of third-party cookies is added at the beginning.
- UPD: option to accept everything just by pressing accept on the main banner
- FIX: Delete cookies fixed!!
- FIX: Upgrade and installation, we set the Footer hook by default, which does not give problems.
- FIX: We corrected the styles TPL.
- FIX: Problem when validating the banner, it would reload automatically even if it was marked as not. FIX: Small bug when changing the to for the button!