Search results

  1. G

    V1.7 European VAT number v1.7.0 (Prestashop 8)

    This module allows VAT numbers to be checked when a customer records or modifies his address, but also the numbers already existing in the database (essential if you already have clients or if you import clients/addresses into the database) The checked points are: Absence of characters other...
  2. G

    V1.7 European VAT number v1.6.0 (last version)

    UPDATED »» DOWNLOAD FROM THIS POST PLEASE (i can't edit the main post) This module allows VAT numbers to be checked when a customer records or modifies his address, but also the numbers already existing in the database (essential if you already have clients or if you import clients/addresses...
  3. G

    V1.7 European VAT number v1.6.0 (last version)

    This module allows VAT numbers to be checked when a customer records or modifies his address, but also the numbers already existing in the database (essential if you already have clients or if you import clients/addresses into the database) The checked points are: Absence of characters other...
  4. G

    Betheme | Responsive Multipurpose WordPress & WooCommerce v26.6.1

    Sorry for the link block.. now it's available for download when click in link! Thanks a lot to everyone..
  5. G

    Betheme | Responsive Multipurpose WordPress & WooCommerce v26.6.1

    LAST VERSION v26.6.1 The Multipurpose WordPress Theme that helps you build ANY type of website in no time Adapts to any website. For every client. Anytime. About Betheme Ever since Betheme was just an idea, we knew that it would be different from...
  6. G

    v1.6-v1.7 v1.3.0 new version B2B Registration - SIRET / VAT Number & Automatic Group

    Thanks for the module. Let's go testing.. ;)
  7. G

    v1.6-v1.7 Product Catalog (CSV, Excel) Import v6.5.0

    Anyone with the last version Product Catalog (CSV, Excel) Import v6.6.0 Thanks!!
  8. G

    Scrapes v2.1.0 NULLED - content grabber for WordPress

    Many thanks for sharing. great tool!!
  9. G

    Scrapes v3.2.0 – WordPress Auto Post And Crawler Plugin Scrapes

    Thanks a lot for sharing.. this is a great tool to have.. let's test it! :)
  10. G

    v1.6-v1.7 Multi-Warehouse Advanced Stock Management Module v4.0

    Thanks a lot for sharing this module!
  11. G

    V1.7 Knowband Review reminder and incentive v1.0.3

    Thanks a lot for sharing this module!
  12. G

    v1.6-v1.7 Amazzing filter module - v 3.2.0.

    Fantastic update for a very usefull module!! Thanks a lot my friend
  13. G

    V1.7 European VAT number Module 1.5.12 version Request

    Hi, did you get your request? If yes, can you share please? Thanks a lot
  14. G

    V1.7 Dark mode v.1.0.1 Prestashop compatible

    Thanks for sharing.. have all to be a great improvement for sites!
  15. G

    V1.7 Product options, bundles and customization [LAST UPDATE v4.1.1]

    Thanks a lot for this great share!! Very Good Module!!
  16. G

    V1.7 Product options, bundles and customization [LAST UPDATE v4.1.1]

    Thanks a lot for this great update!!
  17. G

    v1.6-v1.7 myprestamodules product catalog (csv/xlsx) import 6.5.3

    Anyone can share the last version v6.5.5? Fantastic module!!
  18. G

    V1.7 Advanced Order Tracking | Order Status Updates

    Wow.. great share for improve customer experience.. Thanks a lot!
  19. G

    V1.7 Linea grafica EU Cookie Law GDPR (Banner + Blocker) v2.1.2

    That's a great update!! Thanks a lot for sharing..