Search results

  1. D

    v1.6-v1.7-v8x One Page Checkout Module v4.3.0 - Single Page Checkout Option

    The demo link is broken friend. But thanks for the contribution ;)
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    V1.7 Modulo de Analitica "Premium Google Tag Manager V3.3.3"

    thank you for sharing. have a good day.
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    v1.6-v1.7-v8x Creative Popup Module V1.6.10 Prestashop updated 04/28/2023

    thank you so much for sharing this module... have a nice day
  4. D

    Help with module hook 2in1 Custom registration fields

    Incredible! Thank you so much! I'll try it this afternoon, just a question, is the name of the module the one that has the name in the FTP files? "g_customfields" 1689312069 I am not doing something right, because when I click on insert module, the new module that I have created does not appear...
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    v1.6-v1.7-v8x Products Feed: Catalogue & Shop for Facebook & Insta 2.3.6

    Thank you very much! This is very useful module!
  6. D

    Forza Horizon 5 Premium Edition MULTi16

    Muchas gracias por compartirlo! Lo probaré esta misma tarde ;)
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    v1.7-v8x PrestaShop Contact Form 7 Module V 2.2.4

    thank you for sharing this module.
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    Help with module hook 2in1 Custom registration fields

    Disculpa no sanía cual era el foro adecuado para la pregunta. El hook es Displayreasurrance pero desde posiciones no me deja mover el módulo, y en el .tpl no sé como meter el módulo, solo se me ocurre copiartodo el div, y meterlo a mano.
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    Help with module hook 2in1 Custom registration fields

    Does anyone know how to insert this module into another hook? Typically the module will give you a custom option with {hook h='display But I searched for it and did not find it, I would like to put it in the right column on the order page, under the field for discount coupons. I hope someone can...
  10. D

    v1.7-v8x Additional Product Attributes / Custom Product Fields Module - v3.3.22

    Thank you very much for this update. I will try it
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    v1.6-v1.7-v8x Newsletter Pro [v.5.0.6] - [UPDATE 12.06.2023]

    Thank you very much for this update. I will try it
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    v1.7-v8x G-Translate - Free Translator Module | v1.2.5

    Thank you very much for sharing !!!
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    v1.6-v1.7 Message on Holiday Module for PS v1.0.1

    Thank you very much for sharing !!!
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    V8x Custom fields & tabs on product pageModule

    thank you for sharing this module....a big thank you
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    v1.6-v1.7-v8x 2in1 Custom registration fields, custom checkout fields 1.1.0 [Updated]

    thank you so much!! it is life saver! 1689066268 Does anyone know how to insert this module into another hook? Typically the module will give you a custom option with {hook h='display But I searched for it and did not find it, I would like to put it in the right column on the order page, under...
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    V8x Delivery Dates Wizard Pro 2.2.20 (NEWEST 20 June 2023)

    Thanks alot nice update it. Very quic.
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    v1.6-v1.7-v8x Magic Zoom Plus v5.10.0 nulled Prestashop 8

    Thank you for the update! Very nice module
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    v1.6-v1.7 (ETS-Soft) Loyalty, referral & affiliate program (reward points) Module - v1.5.2

    thanks i ll test it into my prestashop site
  19. D

    V1.7 Pay on Pickup for Prestashop v.1.6.0

    thank you for sharing. I need this module.