Search results

  1. V

    Store Manager for PrestaShop Professional Edition ver. - 11/13/20

    Thanks for this, it is impressive! 1716222497 LINK DOES NOT WORK. Dont waste your time.
  2. V

    V1.7 Quick menu mobile v1.1.0 -by Posthemes

    Interesting... not sure for what... but interesting.
  3. V

    Creative Elements - live Theme & Page Builder

    Thanks for thist Will try asap. Greetings
  4. V

    V1.7 PRESTASHOP CUSTOM PRICE (PAY YOUR PRICE) last version 1.2.0

    Interesting module. VEry usefull... not sure what for. But will try.
  5. V

    v1.7-v8x Payment With Fee & Custom Payment Methods version 2.4.1 08/2023

    Hope this works. looks great. I will try asap.
  6. V

    V8x I need a module to export and import catalog in PrestaShop 8 to migrate a store Maybe this could help
  7. V

    v1.6-v1.7-v8x Prestashop Tidy - Cleaning, Optimization and Speed Up - 1.4.22 (LATEST)

    Thankss for the add. A must have. Really good.
  8. V

    v1.7-v8x Regenerate Cache 1.5.0 (Cache Warmer)

    Thanks for the great module. It is amazing.
  9. V

    v1.7-v8x Warehouse - Prestashop theme with elementor v.4.6.4

    Great add. So complete. Will try asap
  10. V

    V1.7 Jobaria - Responsive Prestashop Theme

    great add. thanks. will try as soon as possible
  11. V

    v1.6-v1.7-v8x Creative Elements - live Theme & Page Builder Updated Jan 2024

    Thanks for the amazing add on. A must have.
  12. V

    v1.6-v1.7-v8x Translate all - Free and unlimited translation V4.8.5

    Thanks. Will try as soon as possible.
  13. V

    V1.7 Module PrestaBackup PRO (+ Google Drive)

    Thanks for the add. Will try. Great!
  14. V

    V8x Facebook Pixel pro module for prestaShop 8

    thanks for sharing! Very usefull, will try
  15. V

    v1.6-v1.7-v8x Advanced product configurator by steps Module - V 1.7.2 - Latest

    Lookg great. Will try. Thanks for the add
  16. V

    v1.6-v1.7-v8x OpenAI ChatGPT Integration PRO 1.3.5 *Latest!

    Thanks! Later versions work OK, hope this one is better.
  17. V

    v1.6-v1.7 Prestashop Christmas Effects Pro Module (BEST SNOW EFFECTS)

    Wow! So nice! Thanks, hope it still works
  18. V

    v1.6-v1.7-v8x Knowband One Page Supercheckout v8.0.4 (Newest 15 Nov 2023)

    Thanks for the update! Needed it.