Search results

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    YOOTHEME PRO FOR JOOMLA 4.4.5 (July 1, 2024)

    Oh yeah hope it will solve my problems thks for the share
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    Advanced Custom Fields Pro v2.x - by Tassos Marinos

    Oh thank you that will be very usefull
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    Droptables v4.x - Joomla table manager

    Oh cool thanks this will do nicely.
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    No Boss Video Gallery - Joomla Extension

    Thank you for sharing this ressource. I was beginning to think that it did not exist. Very very useful plugin
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    DJ-MediaTools v2.17.9 - photo and video gallery extension for Joomla!

    Oh yeah that will do nicely for my needs. Thank you
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    J2XML 3.7.203 - Articles backup, moving to other websites

    Thankyou this will work out nicely
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    Yootheme Pro Updated!!! 4.4.4 (JUNE 6, 2024)

    Thanks, its always good to keep up with the newer version. Always handy in my line of work... Thank you thank you thank you
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    Google Structured Data Markup 5.5.1 for Joomla 3,4 & 5

    Thanks for that its a god send. Mine was a bit out of date.
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    FREE Null Cash for all this next week

    " I love Activ8" and that's a fact jack
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    AcyMailing PRO 9.6.0 - Joomla 4&5

    Yes!!! The new version, thanx. Would anyone of you have AcyChecker???
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    JCH Optimize PRO 8.2.2 for Joomla 4&5

    Great I was looking for that. It will come in handy.
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    Tech Space | Yootheme Joomla Quickstart 5.x & YTP 4.3.12 (April 22, 2024)

    Great template, used it for a Eshop for one of my friend who needed a quick rework on his ecommerce website.
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    Yootheme Pro 4.4 update (May 22, 2024)

    Oh! That's great, thanks a lot for sharing. Always useful to have the latest version.
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    YooTheme Widgetkit 3.1.27 (Joomla)

    Thanks for that. But is it still needed when you use Yootheme Pro, I feel it's a bit redundant, of course its needed when you use other templates but still why bother when you can use Yootheme Pro? Just wondering.
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    ZOOlanders Essentials YOOtheme Pro

    Thank you that's a nice addition to any website based on Yootheme Pro templates
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    Convert Forms Pro v4.x - A Joomla Form Builder

    Here you go version 4.4.1 Hope you enjoy it. Convert Forms 4.4.1 Released on: Friday, 03 May 2024 19:18 Maturity: Stable Release Notes A PHP error would appear in the form when the Math Captcha field is used. Fixes php error when trying to insert the Math Captcha...
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    Zoolanders Essentials YooTheme Pro

    Thanks I sorely needed that newer version.
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    Zoolanders Essential Addons for YOOtheme Pro 2.2.2

    Wow that's great, they come up with update so fast, much thanks. thanks to you guy, I can test it and see if its worth the price.
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    Yootheme Pro Updated!!! 4.3.11 (APRIL 17, 2024)

    Ahhh!!! Yess new update version... Thanks
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    4SEO full for Joomla 3&4&5

    Thanks for sharing the updated component, this might help a lot for my customer SEO on their Joomla site, and mine.