Search results

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    V1.7 Prestashop Admin Notification Module

    Thanks whatever for your job .
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    Liberty Osclass theme .

    Vety neat and pretty Liberty is a responsive osclass theme with more features and advanced theme settings. Liberty especially has the color chooser option to make a favorite color classified website.
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    MasJob Osclass Theme .

    MasJob Osclass Theme .
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    Responsive One theme /

    Responsive One theme <br> Responsive One Osclass theme with a new look for your site, and new option added in this theme that will make your site similar to olx. Settings from admin panel for: - set logo for header an footer; - set...
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    Symnel Osclass Theme .

    Symnel Osclass Theme Responsive Symnel Theme. Simple, professional, clean-looking and modern theme for Osclass. Symnel Osclass Theme is a simple, professional, clean-looking and modern theme for Osclass, properly constructed to maximize the potential...
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    Osclass theme Violet .

    Osclass theme Violet
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    Infinity Premium Osclass Theme Responsive .

    Infinity Premium Osclass Theme Responsive 2.0 . .
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    bunch for Veronica .

    Cookies warning OSC Slider Scrolltop Profile Picture noCaptcha reCaptcha List seller items Google Maps Favorite Items
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    Social Share Publish Success Osclass Plugin

    Give a friendlier look to your site with this plugin! It adds a thanks message and social sharing options after users publish a listing. Easy to install and ready to use, this plugin modifies the listing publication flow by adding a final thanks page. In this way, users will get a confirmation...
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    Success Publish Plugin for Osclass

    Give friendly look to your osclass once new listing is published with this osclass plugin. By default just flash message is shown, using this plugin you will give user easy way to share or promote newly added listing! Box when osclass published listings Once new listing is published, pop-up box...
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    Add-Ons Osclass Pay Plugin Version 3.5.9 (Current-Latest)

    3.6.0 Numerous updates and fixes to improve stability. 1673814911 I believe this one is free of bugs! Love you man! Lot of thanks!!
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    Antler - Hosting Provider & WHMCS Template 3.0

    Very Nice! Thanks! !
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    Lorem Items Osclass plugin .

    How many items do you need ? 100 ? 1000? 100 000 ??? Normally a Osclass developer will need to perform the task of filling up an empty theme with lorem content, and doing this manually can be really time consuming, the main reasons this plugin was create was to speed up this process.
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    Registered users only .

    Registered users only plugin for Osclass
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    Infinity Premium Responsive Osclass theme

    Features Clean & Responsive Design Slide To login Add-on Eye catching layout Cross browser compatible W3C Valid Code, CSS3 Drag to upload Photos Full, easy to follow documentation Premium OSclass template
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    Karnaval theme .

    Karnaval theme for Osclass .
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    Wish Message for Osclass .

    Display Wish Message with User Name (If registered on site), otherwise Guest on Site according to Time Zone i.e Good Morning, Username!.
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    Admin tools login for osclass .

    Take access of a user account if you are Administrator or Moderator user.
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    Forums Osclass Plugin Product version:1.3.7

    whow! great! thanks!
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    Watchlist .

    This plugin add possibility for user to watch items.