Search results

  1. A

    Osclass Android App v1.9 responsive website into a mobile Android app

    Teşekkürler hocam sağolasın thanks
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    Virtual Products Plugin For Osclass v1.3.1

    Is there a new version available? 1.4.0
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    Add-Ons Web and Mobile Push Notifications

    Is the latest version available? can you share it? Connection errors problem has been fixed in the latest version
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    Add-Ons Web and Mobile Push Notifications

    The plugin page is missing or incorrect. Discuss the following path with the plugin author: oc-content/plugins/push/admin/pushs.php If you see anything extra before "oc-content", discuss the default path settings on the server with your hosting provider. Expected file path format...
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    I Need Phone Number Login Plugin & Content Protection Plugin For Osclass

    What do you have from the current version plugins that I have? I can exchange them.
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    Add-Ons Plugins "Osclass Pay 3.7.1" (updated )

    What is the point of downloading and publishing existing plugins? @admin must intervene in these, old versions are downloaded and published.
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    Add-Ons Oscalss Phone Number Login Plugin & Content Protection Plugin there is

    I respect your words and it is a person's choice, whoever needs it will benefit from it.
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    Add-Ons Content Protection Plugin Osclass I have these
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    Add-Ons Oscalss Phone Number Login Plugin & Content Protection Plugin there is The above two plugins I just bought, I need the following for exchange, I always share the updated version...
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    Unisite CMS 4.11 Classifieds Nulled

    İndirmek Demo UniSite CMS v4.11 UniSite is more than a CMS UniSite CMS - This is a universal system with which you can launch a bulletin board, a marketplace of services or goods, an auto portal with online car rental, a service for booking and selling real estate and much more! This solution...
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    Google Login Plugin v1.3.2-2023/ ★★★★★

    Tşekkürler teşekkürler plugin teşekkürler
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    Add-Ons Web and Mobile Push Notifications

    oc-content/plugins/push/admin/pushs.php push.php file does not exist gives error..
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    Theme 📢 Sharing Zeta Osclass Theme ! I've finally coded my own custom MAP

    Hello Which plugin is seen in the picture? 👇
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    After years of struggling and paying for a map API, I've finally coded my own custom map

    Hello Which plugin is seen in the picture? 👇
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    Item validation,Phone login - Osclass

    @admin This sharing is nothing more than a distraction for people whose files are encrypted.
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    PWA Osclass Plugin (Native Apps Tool)

    It's annoying that even commenting has 33 characters. Sory: Latest version....
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    PWA Osclass Plugin (Native Apps Tool)

    PWA plugin helps to enable power of PWA on your Osclass and cover key concepts of progressive web apps by generating manifest file (manifest.json, manifest.webmanifest), service workers and setting up meta data used when generating application. PWA largest benefit is in ability to generate...
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    Osclass Bidding or Auction plugin

    Plugin, Can you swap it for zeta theme?
  19. A

    Theme Osclass Zeta Theme 1.0.5 💥 Change

    You don't need to buy it, we can replace it with add-ons you can provide, I don't receive any messages. 1720542468 If it's up to date, we can exchange it.
  20. A

    Theme Osclass Zeta Theme 1.0.5 💥 Change

    Messages are not read, they are constantly deleted, I cannot contact you.