Search results

  1. E

    v1.6-v1.7-v8x Creative Popup Module V1.6.10 Prestashop updated 04/28/2023

    Thank you very much for sharing this great module
  2. E

    V1.7 Amera - Responsive 1.7.8.x V.3.0 - 10.01.2022

    Thank you very much for this theme
  3. E

    v1.6-v1.7 Smartblog V1.4.2 for prestashop 1.6 and 1.7

    Thank you for this great module...
  4. E

    V1.6 PrestaShop 1.6.x.:“Smart Blog” Module

    Thank you for this great module...
  5. E

    V1.7 SmartBlog Module 4.0.4 + Addons

    Thank you for this great module...
  6. E

    EU Cookie Law GDPR (Banner + Blocker) Module v2.0.3

    Where's the module? There is nothing attached..
  7. E

    Advanced Cookie Banner 2.1.2: Prestashop 1.7

    thank you for sharingthank you for sharing
  8. E

    Product Catalog (CSV, Excel) Import 6.6.0 [2023] - PRESTASHOP

    Thanks for the update! Have a good one!
  9. E

    V1.7 Prestashop Infinite Scroll

    thx, nice module, thanks for uploading
  10. E

    v1.6-v1.7 Module Product Extra Tabs Premium by Anvanto

    Thank you for share i need this. I opened a new website
  11. E

    v1.6-v1.7-v8x Custom fields & tabs on product page Module

    Never gonna die. This module is superb, and always wanted. I could not live without them. Whan I found it, my life changed dramatclally.
  12. E

    V1.6 PrestaShop module: Ask a question / Product Questions / Product FAQs by Best-Kit

    thank you for this module thank you for this module
  13. E

    v1.6-v1.7 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page Module

    thanks you for the sharing thank you very much, is ok
  14. E

    V1.7 Show Combination / Product Attribute List Module

    Gracias por compartir la informarciónGracias por compartir la informarción
  15. E

    v1.6-v1.7 Prestashop Product list attributes (combinations) V1.9.8

    thank you for sharing the module, will download and try soon
  16. E

    V1.7 Anything to separate combinations on product page

    Will check, thank you a lot! Will check, thank you a lot!
  17. E

    V1.7 Leo Extra Tab - Unlimited Product Extra Tabs Prestashop Module

    Nice and very usable - delivery methods and prices, product videos etc.
  18. E

    V1.6 Gift On Order / Add Free Product to Cart

    Thanks for the sharing Thanks for the sharing
  19. E

    v1.6-v1.7 Amount left for free shipping module PrestaShop 1.7

    Thanks for sharing the resources for prestashop!
  20. E

    V1.6 Prestashop Spend Another XX To Get Free Shipping Module v1.2.0 [Custom]

    thank you for sharing thank you for sharing