Search results

  1. S

    v1.7-v8x Ecolife Elementor - Multipurpose Prestashop 2.1.6

    Great a big thanks! Great a big thanks! Great a big thanks!
  2. S

    v1.6-v1.7-v8x Easy Import Products From CSV, EXCEL, XML, JSON, TXT 7.5.6

    Thanks, perfect, totally identical to the one in the addons store.
  3. S

    V1.7 Advanced Search 5 PRO : Filters and facets SEO v.5.0.2

    Thank you for uploading the module.
  4. S

    v1.6-v1.7 Professional Blog - Prestablog 4.4.6

    Thank you very much for sharing, great module
  5. S

    v1.7-v8x One Page Checkout & Social Login – PayPal, Stripe, COD (2.6.5)

    One Page Checkout & Social Login – PayPal, Stripe, COD by PrestaHero (ETS) v2.6.5 compatibility Prestashop 1.7.x, 8.x One page check out module for PrestaShop Simplifies PrestaShop default checkout steps; helps customers checkout faster, easier and more secure thus reduce cart abandonment and...
  6. S

    v1.7-v8x Product Manager – Bulk Edit / Mass Edit / Quick Edit (Newest 5 May 2023)

    Thank you for sharing this module update.
  7. S

    v1.7-v8x One Page Checkout - Single Page Checkout Option (10-04-2023)

    Just for your information, there is no difference between v4.3.1-wkonepagecheckout and v4.3.1-wkonepagecheckout 7dbdea9c4853e93068467c53f395659dcd4cad91.pdf is the documentation
  8. S

    v1.7-v8x One Page Checkout PS (Easy, Fast & Intuitive) Module V 4.1.6

    Problems with some payment methods
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    v1.7-v8x One Page Checkout PS (Easy, Fast & Intuitive) Module V 4.1.6

    thanks for the info about problem and fixed it
  10. S

    v1.6-v1.7 Module Advanced SEO Friendly URLs - Remove ID & Pretty URL 2.3.2

    Thanks, but I am just afraid about the override
  11. S

    v1.6-v1.7 Module Advanced SEO Friendly URLs - Remove ID & Pretty URL 2.4.0

    Prestashop minimum $this->ps_versions_compliancy['min'] = '';
  12. S

    v1.6-v1.7 ULTIMATE Pretty URL - SEO friendly rewrite Module V 1.10.1

    thx for sharing this module Exactly what i needed thank you for this
  13. S

    v1.6-v1.7 Module Advanced SEO Friendly URLs - Remove ID & Pretty URL 2.4.0

    thank you for sharing this module
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    v1.7-v8x Pretty URLs - SEO Friendly URL | Remove IDs & Numbers v2.2.8

    thank you for sharing this update module
  15. S

    v1.7-v8x Super Speed by PrestaHero (ETS) - Page speed optimization - v1.6.9

    Sorry I used search but only found 1.6.2, in fact I searched for "Superspeed" in one word. Can I delete my post?
  16. S

    v1.7-v8x Super Speed by PrestaHero (ETS) - Page speed optimization - v1.6.9

    I haven't tried with 1.6 but it looks like it is : ps_versions_compliancy = array('min' => '', 'max' => _PS_VERSION_); And PrestaHero sells compatible modules with the 1.6.
  17. S

    v1.7-v8x Super Speed by PrestaHero (ETS) - Page speed optimization - v1.6.9

    Good module for page speed optimization. DEMO: Not the latest but newer than those already on the forum
  18. S

    V1.7 Performance Pro - All in One V 2.5.0

    Thanks I will try it to compare with others.
  19. S

    v1.6-v1.7 Super Speed - Incredibly fast - Webp, GTmetrix & Google Module v1.6.4 01/2023

    Thanks for sharing the module is nice! But somebody have the new version (1.6.7) ? 1681385280 It's 1.7.1 now