Search results

  1. W

    RS Membership Payment Gateway Stripe 1.1.2

    This is a payment gateway for Stripe to be used with RS Membership. Version 1.1.2
  2. W

    YOOtheme Pro v4.4.16 for Joomla (November 27, 2024)

    Keep in mind if you are using Zoolander's Essentials below 2.2.x you can't use YTP 4.5.x. Zoolanders has release candidates out for 2.3.0 but not yet released a stable.
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    PWT ACL v5.0.0 - Joomla ACL Manager

    Excellent tool, thanks. Big help in allowing user groups to build their own template using YTP
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    Zoolanders ZooEssentials 2.1.12 - For Joomla 4 & 5

    Hello all, In search of Zoolanders ZooEssentials Pro 2.1.12 for Joomla. Very much appreciate it! Thanks!
  5. W

    Looking for JD Stripe gateway - JoomDonation Gateway

    Seeking the most recent JD Stripe or Stripe Extended gateway for JoomDonation. Thanks! 1739258764 Miscategorized. Should be in Joomla