Accu is an Acupuncture, Healing, Massage WordPress theme is an contemporary theme for Acupuncture therapists, Traditional healing process, Massage centers, Rehabilitation centers, Alternative medicine, Yoga centers, Naturopathy, Meditation.
Best Acupuncture theme suits Chinese Medicine, Ayurveda Medicine, Spiritual Healing, Hinduism website, Buddhism website, Mystic theme, therapist website, rehab website, rejuvenation camp, rehabilitation services, psychotherapy, family therapy.
Promote Acupuncture treatments like Moxibustion,Traditional Chinese Medicine, Cupping, detoxification, detox, stress relief, alpha meditation, positive thoughts, Yin Yang, metabolism health, cardio energy…
Images used in the demo are not included for download, these images are copyrighted, if you are planning to use the photos we can provide the links to buy license.* Accu WordPress Theme Changelog *
2022.03.02 – version 3.0
* Fixed Kirki Customizer Issue