# Windows
chrome.exe --user-data-dir="C://chrome-dev-disabled-security" --disable-web-security --disable-site-isolation-trials
# macOS
open /Applications/Google\ Chrome.app --args --user-data-dir="/var/tmp/chrome-dev-disabled-security" --disable-web-security --disable-site-isolation-trials
# Linux
google-chrome --user-data-dir="~/chrome-dev-disabled-security" --disable-web-security --disable-site-isolation-trials
brave.exe --user-data-dir="C://Chrome dev session" ----disable-web-security ----disable-site-isolation-trials "https://aliexpress.com
Thanks I've tried everything possible when I go to aliexpress and click on a product i want to import the dropshipping blue icon appears fro about 1 second then goes away. Can you confirm that it actually works for you. I've run google chrome with web security disabled.chrome.exe --user-data-dir="C://chrome-dev-disabled-security" --disable-web-security --disable-site-isolation-trials
Goodluck, Ive been trying since November...Ive given up.Thanks for this a very handy module
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the chrome extension dont work for me... I tried it all day yesterday and to no avail.