Easily resize any attached image in a post or conversation.
(Example of Resize link)
(Example of Resize page)
Q: Is the original attachment overwritten?
A: Yes.
Q: Should I allow Registered user group to use this feature?
A: No. I suggest only the Administrator be allowed to use this feature.
Compatible XF Versions 2.0 , 2.1 , 2.2
Easily resize any attached image in a post or conversation.
(Example of Resize link)
(Example of Resize page)
- Resize link will be shown in thread posts and conversation messages.
- Option to add a border to resized attached images.
- PNG images are converted to JPG.
- All phrases start with resize_ for your convenience.
Q: Is the original attachment overwritten?
A: Yes.
Q: Should I allow Registered user group to use this feature?
A: No. I suggest only the Administrator be allowed to use this feature.
Compatible XF Versions 2.0 , 2.1 , 2.2