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Fast, simple and automatic, this module allows you to add and customise schema.org structured data in JSON-LD format. You will improve the visibility and positioning of your website on all search engines benefiting your SEO.
1.7.8.x ==> v4.4.1-adpmicrodatos
8.0 ==> v4.4.1-adpmicrodatos (1)
8.1 ==>v4.4.1-adpmicrodatos (2)
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Fast, simple and automatic, this module allows you to add and customise schema.org structured data in JSON-LD format. You will improve the visibility and positioning of your website on all search engines benefiting your SEO.
1.7.8.x ==> v4.4.1-adpmicrodatos
8.0 ==> v4.4.1-adpmicrodatos (1)
8.1 ==>v4.4.1-adpmicrodatos (2)