What this module does for you
directions_car Facilitate user navigation
✔ Customer easily navigate in web store
✔ Customer can easily search categories
✔ Customer User-friendly category structure
✔ Category Accordion Menu with 5th level category depth
✔ Unlimited color customization option
✔ Unlimited background color
✔ Unlimited text color
✔ Easy way to display categories in left-right sidebar
✔ Easy to Use
What your customers will like
- Customers can easily find categories in web store
- Customers can easily navigate in the store
- Enhanced User navigation
- Improve User experience
- Easily search category
- Simple & Easy to use
Latest update 02/11/2020
PrestaShop Compatibility V1.6.0.4 - V1.7.8.0
Module version V 1.0.0