Crysa is a HTML5 IT Solutions & Services Template designed specifically for , technical, cyber security, engineering, computing, entertaining, business, merchandising, eCommerce, educational & scientific purposes and many more. This is highly customizable – looks awesome on tablets and mobile devices.
This template comes with 12 unique Demo and included 40+ valid HTML files. All standalone pages such as About, Event, Projects, Causes, Blog , Testimonials, FAQ, 404 or others essentials pages are included. Well commented code, well-documented file structure and 24/7 professional and ultra-fast Support.
Crysa – Core Features
- 12 Home Page Layout
- 40+ valid HTML files
- Built With Bootstrap 5x
- Fully Responsive
- Working Ajax Dynamic Contact Form
- Unique, Clean and Modern Design
- W3c validator
- Pixel Perfect Design
- Cross Browser Optimization
- Parallax Background
- Custom Animation Effect
- SEO Friendly Code
- Smooth Scroll
- Sticky Menu
- Google Fonts Support
- Built With HTML5 and CSS3
- Free Font Icons
- Easy Setup
- CSS3 Animation
- Includes Sofol Font Awesome Library