The Itp_city module is not compatible with any onecheckout module (only works with Prestashop default checkout).
The onepagecheckout module is not compatible with other delivery modules.
These 3 modules have been modified so that they can be related to each other without any complications.
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The module links are:
One Page Checkout PS (Fácil, Rápido e Intuitivo)
Optimiza el proceso de venta en tu tienda para hacerlo más agradable para tus clientes y mejora la tasa de conversión con este excelente mó
City select and city shipping costs
This module adds extra functionality to PrestaShop checkout process. With this module you're able to add Cities (for states & countries) & Districts (optional feature for cities) and configure shipping costs per carrier for
Delivery Dates Wizard Pro
Allow customers to select delivery date and time during checkout. Create sophisticated delivery schedules, including same day delivery, cut off times + limit by distances. Customize your delivery schedule for each carrier and day
simplifica el proceso de venta y eliminar step inutilesThe Itp_city module is not compatible with any onecheckout module (only works with Prestashop default checkout).
The onepagecheckout module is not compatible with other delivery modules.
These 3 modules have been modified so that they can be related to each other without any complications.
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The module links are:
One Page Checkout PS (Fácil, Rápido e Intuitivo)
Optimiza el proceso de venta en tu tienda para hacerlo más agradable para tus clientes y mejora la tasa de conversión con este excelente mó
City select and city shipping costs
This module adds extra functionality to PrestaShop checkout process. With this module you're able to add Cities (for states & countries) & Districts (optional feature for cities) and configure shipping costs per carrier for
Delivery Dates Wizard Pro
Allow customers to select delivery date and time during checkout. Create sophisticated delivery schedules, including same day delivery, cut off times + limit by distances. Customize your delivery schedule for each carrier and day