- Posts & Tags: Easily share photos, videos, tags, location info, and tag friends. Control post visibility, engage with likes and comments, and discover personalized content.
- User Profile: Showcase posts, info, avatar, cover image, and more. Add personal details, interests, and links to social media for enhanced connectivity.
- Explore: Discover potential connections based on mutual interests and preferences.
- Heyreal: Ensure photo authenticity with front and rear camera capture for trust within the community.
- Stories: Share temporary visual content with filters and text for increased engagement.
- Feed: Get a personalized stream of content from friends and followed accounts.
- Mplay: Watch and interact with video posts from others, fostering community engagement.
- Friends: Easily connect, send friend requests, and build meaningful relationships.
- Notifications: Stay informed about interactions and activities related to your account.
- Chat: Real-time conversations and secure messaging.
- Subscriptions & Purchases: Access subscriptions and in-app purchases for an enriched experience.
- Location Detection: Personalized content and targeted recommendations based on accurate geographical coordinates.
- Languages, Security & Privacy: Seamless language switching, robust security, and user-controlled privacy settings for trustworthiness.
- ControlProvider: Empowering owners with administrative functionalities and insights for effective platform management.
- PHP version 7.2 or higher
- MySQL database
- Secure SSL certificate
- Server space for project files, database, and media assets
We've created easy-to-understand documentation (you'll find it in the Documentation folder) to guide you as you work on your Datinghey app.
The documentation includes:
- Customizing the 'config.php' file
- Importing application files to the server root
- Importing the database (SQL)
- Functionality diagnostic
Demo: https://www.codester.com/items/44343/datinghey-the-ultimate-php-dating-platform