High bounce rate. Customers leaving your store. Here is how to solve the problem - DiscountOnLeave converts users exiting your website into customers.
Main Features
✯ Select URL where teaser will show up
✯ Create unlimited pop-ups
✯ Show popup on all landing pages
✯ Option to show the popup after X page views
✯ Option to show the popup after X seconds spent on web page
✯ Exclude URL addresses
✯ Show popup again after X days
✯ Set width and height
✯ Set display frequency
✯ Option for adding multiple URL addresses
✯ Multistore
✯ Position teaser
✯ Prevent closing
✯ Multi-lingual
✯ RTE design panel
✯ Clean and crisp module, no file modifications
✯ Compatible with every theme
✯ Custom CSS field