Event Booking 4.4.0 - Retail version


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May 11, 2022
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1. Multilingual Improvements

- Allow translating ticket types and agendas. Access to Events Booking, then Setup -> Ticket Types or Setup -> Agendas and do the translation from there
- Allow Translating Certificate Layout.
- Add a column to show event language on Events Management screen.
- Handle association properly when event assigned to certain language.

2. Allow using Custom URL for Event Details

If for some reasons you want to use a custom URL for event details page, you can use this feature. You will need to go to Events Booking -> Configuration, Backend Submit Event Form tab, set Show Custom Event Detail URL to Yes to be allowed to setup custom event details URL for your events.

3. Improve Frontend Registrants Management

Added a parameter to allow hiding registrants of past events there so that you can focus on registrants of current and future events only.

4. Improve Frontend Event Submission

Added parameter to submit event menu item type to allow control which categories users can submit event to for each menu item.

5. Improve Performance
- Added necessary indexes to database tables using by Events Booking to improve performance. We found this performance issue on a high traffic booking website with 150K registrants and counting (500 registrants per day) and need to work on this improvement. Update to this version would make Events Booking work faster on your site, especially when you have many events and registrants.

6. Update Omnipay Payment Processing Library
Some of our payment plugins use ominpay payment processing library as the base for processing payment. The default version of that library shipped in the extension is version 2 and not compatible with PHP 8. From this version of Events Booking, we ship Omnipay library version 3 so that it works well with PHP 8 in case it is used for certain payment plugins.

7. Security Improvement
Added a setting to allow filtering custom field data before it is saved to database if needed. Not only filtering data, it also allows you to convert data which users entered on registration form before saving it to database if needed. For example, you might want to convert data which users entered for certain field to upper case, to lower case...

8. Display warnings if site is using PHP version older than 7.4

We will raise minimum PHP version requirement to 7.4 from next release of Events Booking. So if your site is using PHP version older than 7.4.0, a warning will be displayed
so that you know and can increase PHP version for your website (this waring message could be turned on by changing a setting in Events Booking -> Configuration in case you could not update PHP version for some reasons).

9. Minor Improvements

- Added eb-event-full class to fully booked event on Full Calendar to allow apply custom style for fully booked events if needed
- Improve Monthly Calendar menu item type: Add Start Year parameter to allow control start year of Year dropdown
- Support conditional text feature on Certificate Layout
- Allow setup User Email Subject in event or category if needed.
- Allow easier hiding map if needed (set set coordinates or location to 0.000000,0.000000)
- Support event information tags on Group Members Form Message.
- Use utf8mb4 encoding for new installation (same with Joomla core). This allows you to use emojis in Events Booking if needed.

10. Bugs Fix

- Fix validation engine (use on registration form) does not scroll to first field with error when validation fail (on Joomla 4)
- Fix gallery images are not being resized and displayed properly on Joomla 4.
- Fix recurring events date not calculated properly for Monthly By Day in Week option.


  • event_booking_unzip_first_4.4.0.zip
    5.3 MB · Views: 4


Sep 27, 2021
Reaction score
best event component for joomla! I used it from joomla 1.5 and tried others similar component but no one is like this!