Free prestashop1.7 Beautiful Preloader (16873 downloads)Demo: Beautiful Preloader for PrestaShop
You can find a spinner on the top right corner. The spinner on the demo is set to show on the index, category and product pages only. The spinner on the demo will show out after clicking a filter or a pagination button.
The module is for PrestaShop 1.6, PrestaShop 1.7 and Thirtybees, it can work on all sites no matter which theme you are using.
- Preloader will be applied to all pages by default. You can change taht to display preloader on special pages.
- Show a spinner out when a filtering request is running for the Prestashop 1.7's native Facet search module.
- 2 predefined spinners, they are svg images, so they are customizable, you can change their colors and sizes. Why don't use font icons or images by default, because I guess svg images can be loaded faster than font icons and images, another reason is that svg images are customizable by using settings on the back office without editing image files. I got the predefined svg loading images from I will add more predefined spinner.
- Custom spinners. You can use a loading gif or a picture to be spinner, you can even use text to be spinner.
- Ability to adjust the position of spinner.
- Customizable overlay.
- Overlay can be disabled.
- It's possible to close preloader by clicking on overlay.
- Ability to set a timer to delay hiding preloader.

How to install on PrestaShop 1.6
Because of PrestaShop 1.6 doesn't have a hook right after the body tag, so you need to modify the /themes/your-theme/header.tpl file to add one to make this module work.1 | {hook h="displayAfterBodyOpeningTag"} |
Panda v1

Transformer theme v3

Default theme

- V1.1.0 November 30, 2018. Add compatibility with PrestaShop 1.6.
- V1.0.0 March 14, 2018.