You can now put age verification when entering your website with our free age verification module. Easy to configure with the option to enter the date of birth or simply click on the confirm age button. It admits multiple configuration options such as the degree of opacity, required age or texts to be displayed.
If you prefer to have the 2-button option to confirm the age of majority with a (Yes) (No), uninstall the normal version and install the 2-button version.
Valid for Prestashop 1.7.
Store cookies so as not to re-verify the age of the same customer.
FREE DOWNLOAD LINK Normal version :
2-button version of YES or NO.
Remember to put the verification option 2 in the configuration.
If you prefer to have the 2-button option to confirm the age of majority with a (Yes) (No), uninstall the normal version and install the 2-button version.
Valid for Prestashop 1.7.
Store cookies so as not to re-verify the age of the same customer.
FREE DOWNLOAD LINK Normal version :
2-button version of YES or NO.
Remember to put the verification option 2 in the configuration.