The best import export plugin for WordPress & WooCommerce
Complete, granular control of your data with an easy to use drag & drop interface.- Use any XML, CSV, or Excel file
- Supports very large files, and any file structure
- Compatible with custom plugin and theme fields
- Images, categories, WooCommerce, ACF, etc.
- Simple interface & flexible API
- Powerful scheduling options
Plugin Features
- Import XML / CSV files into WordPress
- Export WordPress data to JSON / CSV / XML files
- Bulk edit WordPress posts, pages, products and much more
- Migrate WordPress data between sites
- Visual data selector and preview tool
- Import WordPress theme, plugin and custom fields
- Import Galleries, Images and attachments
- Import files via remote url, local filesystem, FTP server, or file uploader
- Schedule recuring imports, or run manually
- Export WordPress to xml, csv, or json files
- Filter records before exporting WordPress data
- Export WordPress posts, pages, categories, tags and custom fields
= 2.6.1 =
* FIX - Importer state to work with WP Multisite.
= 2.6.0 =
* ADD - Simplified importer runner, import chunks removed in faviour of state locking.
= 2.5.5 =
* ADD - New action `iwp/importer/mapper/init` run before a record has been imported.
* ADD - New action `iwp/importer/mapper/before` to modify data before importing a record.
* ADD - New action `iwp/importer/mapper/before_insert` to modify data before inserting a record.
* ADD - New action `iwp/importer/mapper/before_update` to modify data before updating a record.
* ADD - New action `iwp/importer/mapper/after` run after a record has been imported.
= 2.5.4 =
* ADD - New filter `iwp/allowed_file_types` to allow different file types apart from the default xml / csv.
* ADD - New filter `iwp/get_filetype_from_ext` to allow setting the file type based on the attached file name.
= 2.5.3 =
* FIX - Addon Panel, Core template fields are no longer excluded from processing due to missing enabled flag.
= 2.5.2 =
* FIX - Hash geneartion on local files now match correctly.
* ADD - Downloaded media without extensions, attempt to get extension from content-type header.
= 2.5.1 =
* FIX - Restore old method of loading woocomerce / yoast addon
* FIX - Only the importer that deletes a record, can restore that record unless you use the post_status field.
= 2.5.0 =
* ADD - 1st release of `iwp_register_importer_addon` api
* ADD - File encoding dropdown added to xml imports under file settings step.
* FIX - Issue where 2 fields can match with the same prefix on a group e.g. gallery-id vs gallery-id-url.