Its' not nulled yet. please find a nulled version
still receiving license issue notification bro..
I tested it on a live store and I didn't get any license notification. Additionaly, I've changed the theme name from settings_schema.json and from theme.liquid to some random name (I have no idea if this matters at all). It's 3rd day already and didn't receive anything and you received the notification immediately. Worth to mention is that this store never had any "unlicensed theme" notifications in the past.
What I did was to remove the code blocks that were responsible for sending data to the Impulse theme's developers:
{% if request.design_mode %}
<script> = {{ | json }}</script>
<script src="" defer="defer"></script>
{% endif %}
If you check the src link of the script you will notice that the script sends data to theme's developers about your store (store e-mail address, store ID) and your theme (theme name, version).
This script can be used for analytics but also for checking if you are using a licensed version of Impulse and for DMCAing you eventually.
I removed once more a code block that is doing basically the same thing:
if (window.Shopify && window.Shopify.theme && navigator && navigator.sendBeacon && window.Shopify.designMode) {
navigator.sendBeacon('', new URLSearchParams({
themeName: window.theme && window.theme.settings && `${window.theme.settings.themeName} v${window.theme.settings.themeVersion}`,
role: window.Shopify.theme.role,
route: window.location.pathname,
themeStoreId: window.Shopify.theme.theme_store_id || 0,
isThemeEditor: !!window.Shopify.designMode
By removing those code blocks, the theme's developers won't receive any data from your store but this doesn't stop Shopify from detecting you.
I'm pretty sure that for the themes from, especially the most popular ones like Impulse, Prestige, Impact etc. Shopify has built-in methods to detect the usage of unlicensed themes. What methods they might use ? They can use analytics, triggers, searching for key code blocks of a theme etc. Some can be impossible to avoid.
I also believe that, once you get an unlicensed theme notification, they will list you on a "black list" and will be more cautious towards you than other stores.
Since your unlicensed theme notification came immediately, I'm 100% sure that it came from Shopify and didn't involve the theme developer. Shopify takes for sure a big slice of a theme's price as commission so it's in their interest to prevent the usage of unlicensed themes.
My advice is to use themes that are not on the Shopify's theme marketplace (e.g. Shrine Pro, Ecomify, Ella, Kalles etc.). For those you have lower or even 0 chances to be detected by Shopify itself because it's not in their interest. You are "fighting" only against the theme's developers and you can detect their code blocks responsible for licensing purposes and remove them.
Another thing you could do is to "import"/replicate only the sections/blocks you like from Impulse theme for example, but you need basic knowledge of HTML/CSS/JS for this. Detecting the whole js code responsible for the functionality of a section (especially a complex one) can be tough.
Or maybe someone more experienced or someone who has insights from Shopify about their methods of detecting the usage of unlicensed themes can help us.