Thanks for sharing 2917 I was search for 2916 but I found 2917 
let me try it
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let me try it
Hi all problem installing with joomla 4 ???? please help meAdd a set of tools to your Joomla!® environment that gives you the power to create the kind of content you want, without limitations, and without needing to know or learn HTML, XHTML, CSS...
...and even easier with JCE Pro!
- Office-like functions and familiar buttons make formatting simple
- Upload, rename, delete, cut/copy/paste images and insert them into your articles using an intuitive and familiar interface
- Create Links to Categories, Articles, Weblinks and Contacts¹ in your site using a unique and practical Link Browser
- Easily tab between WYSIWYG, Code and Preview modes.
- Create Tables, edit Styles, format text and more...
- Integrated Spellchecking using your browser's Spellchecker
- Fine-grained control over the editor layout and features with Editor Profiles
With a JCE Pro Subscription you get...
- Image editing, resizing and thumbnailing
- Manage audio and video, and easily embed Youtube and Vimeo videos.
- Create links to files or embed them in articles
- Create styled captions on images
- Full featured Source Code Editing
- Integrated support for Markdown
tsekkurler ederim sizin yapacagınız ise benJoomla!® ortamınıza, sınırlama olmaksızın ve HTML, XHTML, CSS bilmenize veya öğrenmenize gerek kalmadan istediğiniz türde içerik oluşturma gücü veren bir dizi araç ekleyin... JCE Pro ile daha da kolay!
- Ofis benzeri işlevler ve tanıdık düğmeler, biçimlendirmeyi basitleştirir
- Sezgisel ve tanıdık bir arayüz kullanarak görüntüleri yükleyin , yeniden adlandırın , silin , kesin/kopyalayın/yapıştırın ve makalelerinize ekleyin
- Benzersiz ve pratik bir Bağlantı Tarayıcı kullanarak sitenizde Kategorilere , Makalelere , Web Bağlantılarına ve Kişilere¹ Bağlantılar oluşturun
- WYSIWYG , Kod ve Önizleme modları arasında kolayca sekme yapın.
- Tablolar oluşturun , Stilleri düzenleyin , metni biçimlendirin ve daha fazlasını yapın...
- Tarayıcınızın Yazım Denetleyicisini kullanarak Entegre Yazım Denetimi
- Düzenleyici Profilleri ile düzenleyici düzeni ve özellikleri üzerinde ayrıntılı kontrol
JCE Pro Aboneliği ile şunları elde edersiniz...
- Görüntü düzenleme, yeniden boyutlandırma ve küçük resim oluşturma
- Ses ve videoyu yönetin ve Youtube ve Vimeo videolarını kolayca gömün.
- Dosyalara bağlantılar oluşturun veya bunları makalelere gömün
- Resimlerde stil sahibi altyazılar oluşturun
- Tam özellikli Kaynak Kodu Düzenleme
- Markdown için entegre destek
Thanks for sharing. It is perfocet companentUpdate 2.9.21
- PRO Classes can now be applied to Columns in the columns dialog using the multiple select Classes list.
- Figure elements can now be added directly to media preview items.
- Figure elements can now be styled using the Captions tools.
- An mce-visualaid class is toggled on the editor body element when the Visual Aid button is clicked.
- Media embed code pasted into the Code view will now use some default attributes - width, height etc. - when switching to the Editor tab if none are specified.
- JCE now requires PHP 7.4 or later.
- PRO Pressing ESC while in the Create Thumbnail dialog or Delete Thumbnail prompt would close the dialog as intended but also execute the action.
- PRO Some system markup would not be processed and removed when switching to the Code tab if Verify HTML is disabled.
- PRO Inserting a video with the Media Manager would do nothing if the Media Support option is disabled in Editor Profiles -> Features & Layout.
- PRO The Remove Exif process would fail on some systems running PHP GD2
- Editing a link with a class attribute value would display the attribute name and value as an additional custom attribute in the Advanced tab.
- Adding a new class to a link in the Classes field would not update the link class attribute.
- Tables created with the Table Grid tool or without a Width value in the Table dialog will now be disaplayed in the editor with a 100% width.
- Removing some values in Style Select Custom Styles would have no effect when the profile was saved.
- Unexpected reformatting of HTML when removing a class from an element if the parent element contains the same class.
- Link attribute parameters weren't being applied to pasted links or links created with the "quick link" dropdown.
- Pressing ALT + UP in a nested block element would create an extra paragraph above it as well as before the parent container.
- Updating a link on an inline element, eg: <strong> would result in duplicate link text.
- JOOMLA 4 Update onContentSave and onBeforeContentSave event triggers to include additional $data variable
- JOOMLA 4 Updated core template stylesheet path detection due to changes in the template asset path in Joomla 4.1