Seasonal pricing
Offer different prices based on the low or high season to the guest. Add multiple seasons to meet the customer's demand.
Weekend pricing
Apply custom pricing for certain week days. Get the prices higher for the weekends or any other days.
Price per day/night
Set the fixed price for the property to be paid by the visitor on a daily basis.
Rates based on the length of stay
Invite the visitors to stay longer for the lower price. Set the rates depending on the numbers of the booked days.
# ChangeLog
## v3.0.1
* UPD: Show booking instance unit name instead of ID in booking table;
* FIX: Parallel booking process for plain WooCommerce integration;
* FIX: Plain mode order booking info form fields values after update;
* FIX: Dynamic tag price per day/night values;
* FIX: Booking details WooCommerce order email headings styles;
* FIX: Plugin deactivation if JetEngine missed;
* FIX: Booking product with one day booking option;
* FIX: Admin booking update unit issue.